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Analysis and Forecast Report on China Barley Production, Consumption & Trade

【報(bào)告名稱】Analysis and Forecast Report on China Barley Production, Consumption & Trade
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【出版日期】:Jan/2013 【報(bào)告格式】:電子版或紙介版
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Analysis and Forecast Report on China Barley Production, Consumption & Trade



【Report Name】:Analysis and Forecast Report on China Barley Production, Consumption & Trade
【Report Code】:SN
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Research Background and Research Ideas
Barley is the important raw material for beer industry and animal feed industry.

In the 1930s, China had ever achieved barley plantation area of 6.5 million ha and peak barley yield of 8.5 million MT. However in recent years, barley plantation area has sharply reduced and annual barley yield has declined to about 2 million MT.

With the rapid development of beer industry, China’s demand for malting barley has been increasing year by year. In the past few years, China’s annual barley consumption has been exceeding 4 million MT. To meet the domestic demand, China annually imports about 2 million MT of barley, mostly malting barley. Therefore, China plays an important part in world barley consumption and trade.

On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of barley production, consumption and trade of China, this report will present systematic analysis and research on the following aspects:
1. Future barley production in China;
2. China’s future demand of malting barley and forage barley;
3. Future trend of China’s barley trade;
4. Barley supply & demand and government policies on barley industry.

Part One China’s Barley Industry Development Policies and Standards
1 Industry Development Plannings of Barley
1.1 Production Development Plannings of China Malting Barley
1.2 Chinas Beer Industry Development Goals (2011~2015)
1.3 Development Layout of Advantage Region of Barley Production
2 Standards of Barley
2.1 GB/T 11760-2008 Hulless Barley
2.2 GB/T 7416-2008 Malting Barley
2.3 Comparison of Barley Qualities Between China and Other Countries
2.3.1 Quality Comparison of Main Barley Varieties
2.3.2 Cause Analysis of China’s Barley Poor Quality

Part Two Analysis of Barley Production in China
3 Overview of Barley Production in China and World
3.1 Changes in Barley Production of the world
3.1.1 Changes in Barley Plantation Area
3.1.2 Changes in Barley Yield
3.1.3 Changes in Barley per Unit Yield
3.2 Changes in Barley Production in China
3.2.1 Distribution of Barley Production
3.2.2 Changes in Barley Plantation Area
3.2.3 Changes in Barley per Unit Yield
3.2.4 Changes in Barley Yield
4 Analysis of Barley Production by Province
4.1 Characteristics of Barley Production in Jiangsu
4.1.1 Changes of Barley Production in Jiangsu
4.1.2 Major Barley Varieties in Jiangsu
4.1.3 Advantages of Barley Producing in Jiangsu
4.1.4 Forecast on Barley Production in Jiangsu
4.2 Characteristics of Barley Production in Gansu
4.2.1 Changes of Barley Production in Gansu
4.2.2 Major Barley Varieties in Gansu
4.2.3 Advantages of Barley Producing in Gansu
4.2.4 Forecast on Barley Production in Gansu
4.3 Characteristics of Barley Production in Inner Mongolia
4.3.1 Changes of Barley Production in Inner Mongolia
4.3.2 Major Barley Varieties in Inner Mongolia
4.3.3 Advantages of Barley Producing in Inner Mongolia
4.3.4 Forecast on Barley Production in Inner Mongolia
4.4 Characteristics of Barley Production in Xinjiang
4.4.1 Changes of Barley Production in Xinjiang
4.4.2 Major Barley Varieties in Xinjiang
4.4.3 Advantages of Barley Producing in Xinjiang
4.4.4 Forecast on Barley Production in Xinjiang

Part Three Analysis of China’s Barley Trade
5 China’s Barley Trading
5.1 China’s Barley Trading Policies
5.2 China Barley Import
5.2.1 Import Volume and Price
5.2.2 Main Original Countries
5.3 Destination Provinces

Part Four Analysis of China’s Malt Supply & Demand and Key Enterprises
6 Malt Supply in China
6.1 Domestic Barley Produced Malt
6.2 Imported Malt
6.2.1 Import Volume and Price
6.2.2 Main Original Countries
6.2.3 Destination Provinces
7 Market Demand for Malt
7.1 Producing Beer
7.2 Consumption of Malting Barley
8 Key Malt Producing Enterprises
8.1 Supertime Development Limited
8.1.1 Company Profile
8.1.2 Production Capacity
8.1.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.2 Cofco malt co., Ltd
8.2.1 Company Profile
8.2.2 Production Capacity
8.2.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.3 Beidahuang Longken Malt Co., Ltd
8.3.1 Company Profile
8.3.2 Production Capacity
8.3.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.4 Tsingtao Beer Malting Mill
8.4.1 Company Profile
8.4.2 Production Capacity
8.4.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.5 Jiangsu Nongken Malt Co., Ltd
8.5.1 Company Profile
8.5.2 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.6 Jiangsu Xinjinwei Maltiong Co., Ltd
8.6.1 Company Profile
8.6.2 Production Capacity
8.6.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.7 Hebei Sihai Group
8.7.1 Company Profile
8.7.2 Production Capacity
8.7.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.8 Gansu Mogao Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
8.8.1 Company Profile
8.8.2 Production Capacity
8.8.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.9 Yanjing Beer Rawstuff Co., Ltd
8.9.1 Company Profile
8.9.2 Production Capacity
8.9.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status
8.10 Lanzhou Yellow River Enterprise Co., Ltd
8.10.1 Company Profile
8.10.2 Production Capacity
8.10.3 Analysis on Raw Material Purchase Channels and Sales Status

Part Five Analysis of China Barley Consumption
9 Consumption of Malting Barley
9.1 Producing and Marketing Analysis of Malting Barley by Regions
9.2 Role of Malting in Total Consumption of Barley
10 Consumption of Forage Barley
10.1 Advantage of Forage Barley
10.1.1 Price Advantage
10.1.2 Nutrition Advantage
10.2 Forage Barley Consumption Volume
11 Other Purposes of Barley Consumption
11.1 Seed
11.2 Food

Part Six Analysis and Prediction of China’s Barley Supply & Demand
12 Forecast on Barley Production
12.1 Barley Plantation Area
12.2 Barley per Unit Yield
12.3 Barley Yield
13 Forecast on Barley Import
13.1 Original Countries
13.2 Import Volume
14 Forecast on Barley Demand
14.1 Malting Barley Demand
14.2 Forage Barley Demand
14.3 Barley Demand for Other Purposes
15 China Barley Supply/Demand Balance Sheet

Part Seven Analysis and Prediction of China’s Barley Price
16 Analysis of Barley Price
16.1 Characteristics of Malting Barley Price Trend
16.2 Forecast on Malting Barley Price

List of Figures
Figure 1, Developmental Planning Diagram of Gansu Malting Barley Advantage Regions
Figure 2, Role of Barley in World Grain Production in 2012
Figure 3, World Barley Plantation Area and Production, 1960-2012
Figure 4, Role of Barley in China Grain Production
Map, Distribution of Chinas Barley Production
Figure 5, Changes in Barley Plantation Area in China, 1960-2012
Figure 6, Changes in Barley per Unit Yield in China, 1960-2012
Figure 7, Changes in National Barley Yield, 1960-2012
Figure 8, Changes of Barley Production in Jiangsu and its Proportion in the Total, 1995-2012
Figure 9, Changes of Barley Production in Gansu and its Proportion in the Total, 1995-2012
Figure 10, Changes of Inner Mongolia Barley Yield, 2003-2012
Figure 11, Changes of Barley Production in Xinjiang and its Proportion in the Total, 1995-2012
Figure 12, Original Supply and Volume of China Malting Barley, 2001-2012
Figure 13, Ratio of Barley in China Grain Import, 2000-2012
Figure 14, Price and Volume of China Barley Import, 2000-2012
Figure 15, Proportion Variation in China Barley Imported From Australia, 1995-2012
Figure 16, Barley Import by Original Country in 2012
Figure 17, Barley Import by Province in 2012
Figure 18, Malt Production of Different Sources, 2001-2012
Figure 19, Volume of Beer Output Convert to Malt and Malting Barley, 2000-2012
Figure 20, Ratio of Malt Import by Original Country, 2009-2012
Figure 21, Ratio of Malt Import by Province, 2009-2012
Figure 22, China’s Beer Output, 1990-2012
Figure 23, Malting Barley Demand in Key Provinces in 2011
Figure 24, Proportion of Malting Consumption in the Total Consumption, 1995/96-2012/13
Figure 25, Proportion of Forage Consumption in the Total Consumption
Figure 26, Proportion of Seed Consumption in the Total Consumption
Figure 27, Forecast on Barley Plantation Area, 1981-2015e
Figure 28, Forecast on Barley per Unit Yield, 1981-2015e
Figure 29, Forecast on Barley Output, 1981-2015e
Figure 30, Forecast on Malting Barley Consumption, 1995/96-2015e/16
Figure 31, Comparison of Jiangsu Malting Barley with Import Barley, 2010-2012

List of Tables
Table 1, Hulless Barley Quality Requirements
Table 2, Malting Barley Sensory Requirements
Table 3, Physical and Chemical Requirements of the Two-rowed Barley
Table 4, Physical and Chemical Requirements of the Multi-rowed Barley
Table 5, Kernel Quality Comparison of Kenpimai No.7 Barley with Foreign Varieties
Table 6, China Barley Plantation Area by Province, 2001-2012
Table 7, China Barley Output by Province, 2001-2012
Table 8, Major Barley Varieties in Jiangsu
Table 9, Major Barley Varieties in Gansu
Table 10, Major Barley Varieties in Inner Mongolia
Table 11, Major Barley Varieties in Xinjiang
Table 12, Barley Import Volume by Original Country, 2001-2012
Table 13, Barley Import Volume by Province, 2008-2012
Table 14, China’s Beer Output by Province, 2004-2012
Table 15, Usage Amount of Malting Barley and Malt for Producing 100 Liter Beer
Table 16, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Supertime Development Limited
Table 17, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Cofco malt Co., Ltd
Table 18, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Beidahuang Longken Malt Co., Ltd
Table 19, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Tsingtao Beer Malting Mill
Table 20, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Jiangsu Xinjinwei Maltiong Co., Ltd
Table 21, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Gansu Mogao Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
Table 22, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Yanjing Beer Rawstuff Co., Ltd
Table 23, Company Profile and Production Capacity of Lanzhou Yellow River Enterprise Co., Ltd
Table 24, Surplus and Deficiency in Production and Sales of China Malting Barley by Province in Year 2011/12
Table 25, Nutrients of Barley as Greenfeed
Table 26, Nutrients Comparison of Wheat, Corn and Barley
Table 27, China Barley Supply/Demand Balance Sheet, 2005/06-2015/16

訂 閱 《Analysis and Forecast Report on China Barley Production, Consumption & Trade





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